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Video Wi-Fi tutorials

Green iPhone Apps

Save money on your iPhone with these Green iPhone Apps. A single mannequin stun protesting for Climate Justice shuts down a Bank of America branch. Trade in your current mode of transportation with the newest Alternative Autos.






NearbyNow iPhone Web App for Navigating Shopping Centers

NearbyNow provides a sneak preview of their new Web Application optimized for the Apple iPhone allowing shoppers to graphically navigate a shopping center, search mall store inventory, list available sales, and even find the closest restroom. This application will be the first mobile navigation solution ever created for navigating inside shopping malls, and creates a unique venue for retailers to contextually advertise to in-mall shoppers. The new iPhone Web Application will be available to consumers in July 2008.

www.nearbynow.com Test the service: www.westfield.com/valleyfair click on 'Product Search'.

No Wifi at an Hotel, Try This!!! Enjoy!!

How to get Wi-Fi without Wi-Fi :P

How to get free connection to the internet from your laptop

Hey this videos shows you how to get internet connections onto your laptop for FREE. You need nothing exept a laptop.

Click and Connect

UNSW has launched a free high-speed wireless internet service for students, staff and academics, promising greater coverage across campus.

How to Use a Router to Connect 2 Computers to the Internet

A router can connect two computers to the internet with a hard line connection and through a wireless connection. Hook up a router to two computers with tips from a computer specialist in this free video on computer networking.

Expert: Jason Hendricks
Bio: Jason Hendricks is a Macintosh genius who works for the Mac Store in Denver, Colo.
Filmmaker: Bing Hu

Apple iPhone Flash Plugin plays any video

Apple iPhone 3G-S vs iPhone 3G Comparison

ipod touch wifi solution

iPhone outdoors on Google WiFi

iPhone WiFi P2

Automated wifi sync with the iPhone

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